Mary Sunshine
“The story in Reagle’s CHICAGO is that the drop dead, show stopping performance belongs to Peter Mill. Mill is, hands down, the best Mary Sunshine I’ve ever seen. Most performers in the role concentrate on the falsetto and not much else. Mill makes the character sparkle in addition to his vocal acrobatics. His Mary Sunshine is charming, not at all the nasty interloper favored by most directors. His character is so welcome that you can’t wait for her to reappear… Talk about larceny. Mill steals every scene he’s in and some he’s not!”
- Boston Arts Review, Beverly Creasey
“Peter Mill as newspaper sob sister Mary Sunshine is an unparalleled hoot, all jaw-dropping high notes, fluttery hand gestures and refined swooning. Mill’s flirting with Pessagno’s Flynn is a bit of unscripted fun that could have made for a passing chuckle, but Mill makes it into a bit that nearly deserves its own show.”
- Edge Media Network, Jennifer Bubriski